dinsdag 20 november 2007

Right about Now: Art and Theory since the 1990s

Right about now is vers van de pers en behandelt de evolutie in het denken over kunst sinds de jaren 90.

* an overview of the most significant developments, themes and thinking in art from 1990 until now
* offers critical ways to approach this recent art and to reflect upon it

What do you think of when you consider the art of the past fifteen years? Video art. Computers and the internet. Globalization. Nomadism. Itinerant curators and biennale artists. Installation and process art. Powerpoint presentations. The multicultural society. Design. Magazines. Fashion. Lounges. The DJ, VJ and house culture. Blockbuster exhibitions in art galleries. Social works of art and socially engaged artists. This great diversity of art has, however, generated virtually no theoretical reflection or historical contextualization.

The contrast with previous decades could scarcely be starker. In the 1960s artists and critics fell over each other to come up with names, complete with theory and genealogy, for each new trend. Pop Art, Op Art, Minimal Art, Conceptual Art - they all had to have their own story. In the 1990s it was mainly the art itself and the experience it provided that were key. And yet this 'art without theory' can, of course, be interpreted theoretically and put into a historical context. In Right about Now: Art and Theory since the 1990s an international group of renowned authors and newcomers in the field has accepted the challenge and endeavoured to bring together the art and theory of the recent past. Their thought-provoking contributions revolve around six topical themes: The Body, Interactivity, Engagement, Documentary Strategies, Money and Curating.

Right About Now: Art & Theory since the 1990s with essays by Jennifer Allen, Sophie Berrebi, Claire Bishop, Beatrice von Bismarck, Maaike Bleeker, Jeroen Boomgaard, Nicolas Bourriaud, Deborah Cherry, Hal Foster, Vít Havránek, Marc Spiegler, Olav Velthuis and Kitty Zijlmans.

Right About Now: Art & Theory since the 1990s is published by Valiz, book and cultural projects, and is available in selected bookstores and during the book launch.


Editors: Margriet Schavemaker, Mischa Rakier
Design: Esther Krop, Amsterdam
184 pages, 24 x 17 cm, paperback, English
In cooperation with UvA, W139, SMBA; supported by Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Mondriaan Foundation
October 2007
ISBN 978-90-78088-17-2, NUR 646, 651, € 19,50M

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